Local Trusted Businesses & Local Insight
Connecting You to Trusted Local Businesses
How it Works
Search for the best local businesses:
Here you can find all kinds of local services nearby, like babysitting or accounting.
Compare local services near me:
And, you can easily see and compare different service providers in your area’s local marketplace.
Hire service providers directly:
As well as, you can contact and hire the service provider you like without any restrictions.
Popular Businesses
52, Ridgewood Avenue, Kitchener, Region of Waterloo, Ontario, N2H 6G6, Canada
May 21, 2024
University Ave. / University of Waterloo, 200, University Avenue West, Northdale, Waterloo, Region of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada
November 2, 2023
Spice Roots
0.0 0 reviews-
200, Kortright Road West, Hart Village, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 4W2, Canada
October 30, 2023
The Kolkata Club Indian Cuisine
0.0 0 reviews-
35, Harvard Road, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2Y9, Canada
October 30, 2023
Pranaam India Authentic Indian Restaurant
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Pranaam India Authentic Indian Restaurant, 340, Woodlawn Road West, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 7K6, Canada
October 30, 2023
Empress Of India
0.0 0 reviews-
Empress of India, 34, King Street South, Uptown, Waterloo, Region of Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 1N8, Canada
October 30, 2023
Benefits of Choosing Arounds
Choosing the best business listing sites in Canada.
No need to hop between websites. Find all local services near you in one spot on this local services marketplace.
Trust and Safety
We're the best local business marketplace in Canada. Each service provider is checked and reviewed by us.
Support Local
We've created this local services marketplace in Canada to back nearby businesses and the economy by hiring local pros.
Why work with us
Local Business Promotion
Customer Support
We're all about clarity and assistance in the local services marketplace. We provide great support for both local businesses and service users, helping you every step of the way.
Community Focused
We're the go-to for local marketplace and businesses, dedicated to supporting them and building a strong online marketplace for the local businesses community.
Trustworthy & Reliable
We're the top online marketplace in Canada. We thoroughly check service providers before they join Arounds to ensure quality and reliability.
People Talking about us
I always find quality contractors who live and work local. I have found that local contractors always work better in the neighborhoods. Perfect place to find them
Huge amount of information in the site.
Want to grow your business?
Create your free business profile to reach customers online.
Get a pulse of local real estate?
Create your free business profile to reach customers online.
Arounds FAQs fOR local services marketplace:
Common questions
How does Arounds.ca is a beneficial local services marketplace for businesses?
This is a well-structured, organized, and powerful local business marketplace to showcase your services to a wide audience, helping you reach more potential customers and grow your client base in your area.
How can you join this best local marketplace?
Local businesses can easily join us by signing up and creating a profile that highlights your services, expertise, and contact information. It’s a straightforward process that allows businesses to start connecting with customers quickly.
What types of local services can you find on Arounds.ca?
Arounds.ca features a diverse range of local services, including home repair, landscaping, cleaning, plumbing, electrical work, and much more. Whether you need a handyman, a pet sitter, or a personal trainer, you can find it on this local service marketplace.
How does Arounds.ca ensure the reliability of the local businesses listed on the platform?
We thoroughly vet and verify all local businesses before listing them on the platform. This includes checking licences, certifications, and customer reviews to ensure that users can trust the professionals they hire through the website.
Can you leave reviews for local businesses on Arounds.ca?
Yes, you can leave reviews and ratings for the local businesses you hire through us. This helps other users and businesses themselves.
I found a great local realtor in Waterloo using this site. This gives more local news than anyplace else. Way to go "arounds". Highly recommended !!